India's higher education
system is the third largest in the world, after China and the United States.
the main governing body at the tertiary level is the University Grants
Commission. Accreditation for higher learning is overseen by 12 autonomous
institutions established by the University Grants Commission. The educational
structure of India follows a Ten+ Two + Three (10+2+3) pattern. The first ten
years provide uniform, general education for all the students. The +2 stage,
also known as the higher secondary or senior secondary, provides for differentiation
into academic and vocational streams and marks the end of school education.
In +3 stage, which involves college education, a student goes for higher
studies or specialization in his chosen field of subject.
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Higher Education System in India After the completion of 10 plus 2 education, students enroll for a full-time, graduation course (or Bachelor’s course) out of wide range of options available across the fields of Arts, Advertising, Media and Mass Communication, Architecture, Commerce, Banking, Finance, Management, Fashion Designing, Science, Engineering, Computer Applications, Medical, Pharmacy and several others courses for their higher education which continues for three to five years depending on the course enrolled for. |
There are different types of
entrance tests for the admission in engineering, medicine & law programs,
both, at the state and national level. These programs require a student to
undergo four to five years of formal education & usually a six months
internship program.
After successful completion
of a graduation course, a student can go for further studies by enrolling for
a post-graduate or master’s course in his chosen field of subject. A
post-graduate course is generally a two-year program. Beyond completion of a
Master’s degree, the options of doctorate education and avenues for the same
are widely available in India.
Candidates interested in part-time and distance learning have an option to go for Open Universities and distance education institutes to pursue higher studies. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is the pioneer of distance education in India and co-ordinates distance learning in the country. Role of Indian Government in Higher Education System India's Central Government is responsible for major policy formulation and execution relating to higher education in the country. It provides grants to UGC and establishes central universities in the country. With the recommendation of the UGC, the Central Government declares Education Institutions as ‘Deemed to be University’. State Universities and colleges are established by State Governments and provide plan grants for their development and non-plan grants for their maintenance. Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) maintains the coordination and cooperation between the Union and the States in the field of education.
Special Constitutional
responsibility of the Central Government:
Education is a part of 'Concurrent list' subject to Entry 66 in the Union List of the Constitution; this gives exclusive Legislative Power to the Central Govt. for co-ordination and determination of standards in Institutions of higher education or research and scientific and technical institutions. To implement the devised policies, central government has set up certain statutory agencies like; Universities Grants Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), and Distance Education Council (DEC). University Grants Commission (UGC) is responsible for coordination, determination and maintenance of standards. UGC also releases all grants to related Educational Institutes. Professional councils are responsible for recognition of courses, promotion of professional institutions and providing grants to undergraduate programmes and various awards. There are several other statutory or autonomous education bodies that have significant power and authority to ensure the improvement of the higher education system in India. Some of these are - * All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) * Medical Council of India (MCI) * Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) * Dental Council of India (DCI) * National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) * Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) * Bar Council of India (BCI) * Indian Nursing Council (INC) * Central Council of Homeopathy(CCH) * Council of Architecture * Central Council for Indian Medicine (CCIM) * Distance Education Council * Rehabilitation Council * State Councils of Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) also works in the areas of data management and promotion of the unprivileged sections including minority group, women etc. Education department has introduced some of the aided premier centers /organizations, which have eventually become the center of excellence in their own right. Following are some autonomous institutions through which the department ensures implementation of its policies - * Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) * Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad * Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, * Central Universities, including IGNOU * Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs) * Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) * National Institutes of Technology (NITs) * School of Planning and Architecture Administrative formation of Higher Education in India The Minister of Human Resource Development chairs the Ministry of Human Resource Development and receives support from the Minister of State, who is responsible to make policies and also guides the entire Ministry. A Secretary is appointed to head the Department of Higher Education, who receives assistance from Additional Secretary (Higher Education), Financial Advisor, Joint Secretaries or officers of the same designation. The duties and responsibilities of the department are segregated between following six divisions - -- University & Higher Education, Minorities Education -- Distance Education & Scholarships -- Technical Education -- Integrated Finance Division -- UNESCO, International Cooperation, Statistics, Policy, Copyrights and Book Promotion --Administration, Languages, Planning and Coordination Measures for Development of Higher Education in India The Indian government has adopted various measures for Development of Higher Education in India like; -- making development plans for University, Higher Education and Technical Education -- forming National Education Policy and supervising its implementation -- providing scholarships to proficient candidates --emphasizing on the education needs of unprivileged groups, such as SC/ ST -- OBC and girls, physically challenged and minority groups -- focusing on the growth of all Indian languages encouraging international relationship in the sphere of education (such as with UNESCO) promoting books and Copyright Act |